Pool Care Clinic - Pool Pumps
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This energy efficient pump may cost a little more, but the savings you’ll make on your electricity bill will make it all worth it.


The whisperflo energy efficient pumps are the Rolls Royce of pool pumps. Delivering maximum circulation at the lowest operating costs. Easy installation and trouble free operation make the Whisperflo the perfect pool pump. Available in sizes from 0.5 kilowatt up to 2.2 kilowatts ensuring all your filtration needs are taken care of. They come with a 3 year warranty.


This energy efficient pump may cost a little more, but the savings you’ll make on your electricity bill will make it all worth it.


Pentair Intelliflo as quiet as a mouse and energy efficient .The IntelliFlo is a variable speed pump, and as such it is possible to select a very precise speed or flow to perfectly suit your needs, at any time of the day…and night. The IntelliFlo has also a direct impact on the water quality: not only will the filtration be improved at low speed the debris will take longer to pass through the filter) but also the backwashing will be more efficient due to
higher flow which clears the debris from the filter better.


This energy efficient pump may cost a little more, but the savings you’ll make on your electricity bill will make it all worth it.


This variable speed pump is easy to use and install, energy efficient, and quiet. With the capability to run at eight different speeds the FLOPRO pump can save up to R1800.00 per annum in energy costs. Running the pump for longer periods at lower speeds will reduce power consumption significantly.



This is a standard type of pump that is a cheaper option if you’re looking to install a pool on a tight budget.


The Earthco pump is designed for maximum performance and reliability. The body is manufactured from impact resistant nylon to ensure superior strength and durability. The motor is fitted with a brass shaft and unions. Sizes range from a .45….0.6…..075…..1.1… 1.5kw. All pool pumps come with a 2 year walk in warranty.


This is a standard type of pump that is a cheaper option if you’re looking to install a pool on a tight budget.


The Quality superflo pump as decades of backing. They are designed for maximum performance and reliability. It is available in four models 0.6 …75 …1.1 and 1.5 kilowatt. All pumps come with a 2 year walk in warranty.


Silent, efficient and reliable. The Euro swim range is a must for any pool owner.


Fully manufactured and assembled in Italy. The Euro Swim is a self-priming centrifugal high performance pump.